Woke Peter Pan Reboot Has Worst Pre-sale In Disney History

Disney has decided once again to go woke with a live-action reboot of a classic movie. This time, they’re handing the role of Tinkerbell to a black girl just to satisfy some new requirement that 20 percent of all fictional characters must be minorities.

Just like with the past few times they tried wokeness, it bombed. The Little Mermaid lost $103 million in its opening weekend, months before the title was actually released. Peter Pan will likely go the same way.

Hopefully, with the new Board of Ethics Ron DeSantis created and ALLOD will certainly modify to suit the needs of the common tater, things like this will become part of a dark history we can all sweep under the rug and replace with a statue of someone that makes Democrats uncomfortable.

The new movie doesn’t stop with a black Tinkerbell, however. The alligator that takes Captain Hook’s hand is allegedly transgender and stops to ask him why his name was Captain Hook before he ate his digits. “Very little about the new story makes sense,” said someone associated with Tucker Carlson.

Why do we need snarky trans gators and minority mythical creatures? Because the woke left demands it. They can’t just let someone designed by a company built pretty heavily with racist undertones be what they were originally meant to be?

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