This Man Lived Alone For Nearly 30 Years In The Mountains of Alaska In a Log Cabin Which He Built With His Own Hands

Have you ever wondered what it is like to live alone, and become one with Nature?

It must be highly challenging, but very relaxing at the same time, especially if we compare it to the fast-pace, stress-rich, sedentary, modern lifestyles we tend to lead these days.

The story of Richard Proenneke, an amateur naturalist, who lived alone in the mountains of Alaska for three decades has inspired numerous people. This man lived in a log cabin which he built with his own hands near the shore of Twin Lakes, and hunted, fished, raised and gathered his own food.
He was born in 1916 in Iowa and entered the Navy during World War II. After contracting rheumatic fever, he spent half a year recuperating and started dreaming of a simple life that he eventually managed to get. His chance came in 1950 when he moved to Alaska and started working as a cattle rancher, then a diesel mechanic, and even a salmon fisherman.

He retired in 1967 and started seeking the ideal location to create his new life. He went to Iowa to prepare, and after a year, returned to Alaska, and began working to make his dream come true.
He wrote journals to document his daily activities and recorded valuable meteorological and natural data.

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