There Is A Dog Hiding In This Photo, But So Far Only The Owner Can Spot Him

However, this image came to us from a dog owner who loves sharing snaps of his pooch. But the picture is deceptive because this is not just a blank kitchen with nothing in it – there’s a dog in the picture right in front of your eyes.

The more I looked at the photo, the more I examined it, the further I felt I was getting from the truth hiding in plain sight. Fortunately, the dog owner gave me a hint, and I instantly recognize the dog in the picture.

The pooch may not be easy to spot for anyone gazing at the picture for a second or looking at it without an eye for detail, but once you dedicate yourself to searching for the animal, you may be able to spot it. I did!

There Is A Dog Hiding In This Photo, But So Far Only The Owner Can Spot Him

The key to the photo is camouflage. There certainly is a dog hiding in plain sight, but the animal is not even trying to hide. The dog just so happens to be adjacent to the material, the same color as its fur. This makes it easy for the dog to blend in with its surroundings and match the photo to such a degree that you can’t see the dog upon first glance.

HINT: The dog is not sitting on the tiles. Although the brown tiles could make perfect camouflage for the right dog, this pooch does not have brown fur. Maybe that’s a bigger hint than I intended to give you, but, hey, this is not an easy visual challenge for everyone, and I thought you deserved a bit of help if you needed it.

One trick is to look for the dog’s reflection. When you scan over the fridge and oven, you don’t see anything shining back. However, there does seem to be some sort of reflection in the door of the dishwasher. The dishwasher is white, and the reflection is black.

Yes, the black Labrador retriever is curled up on the black kitchen mat. Because the mat and the dog’s fur match perfectly, the animal has entirely camouflaged itself.

There Is A Dog Hiding In This Photo, But So Far Only The Owner Can Spot Him

Some people were able to see the dog quite easily. However, those people were the exceptions. Most people struggled to figure out where the dog might be hiding.

If you look very closely, you can see the black lab curled up on the black kitchen mat. The pooch appears to be zonked out for a nap on the cozy mat that is kept warm by the dishwasher and hot water running through the plumbing. I wish I could find time in the day to lay down and snooze for a bit. This dog seems to have the perfect life for any dog stuck at home.

Did you find the dog? Was it hard or easy for you to spot the canine in the photo?

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