Mom Is Torn Apart When Nobody Congratulates Her on the Birth of Her Daughter

Eliza Jamkochian Bahneman, 36, and her husband Erik, 41, were overjoyed to learn they were carrying a baby in 2018 after 9 months of trying.

Bahneman was so happy that she shared her pregnant experience with her sister, sister-in-law, and several of her friends. They all had kids at the same time and were all due around the same time. The expecting mother eagerly anticipated the arrival of her miraculous child into this wonderful world.

Of course, the baby girl finally made the decision to emerge from the security of her mother’s womb a month earlier than expected. Isabella, sometimes known as “Bella,” was officially born in October 2018.

After a total of 12 hours of difficult labor, this baby was delivered weighing 512 pounds. What was supposed to be a joyful occasion, nevertheless, gradually subsided.

Disconcerted, Bahneman noted a murky quiet as murmurs filled the space. She said as she reflected on the time that ‘why isn’t anyone wishing her well? Why is her spouse feeling so uncertain and afraid? Her mum won’t even look at her, why?’

Following Bella’s transfer to the NICU, many testing and assessments revealed that the infant had Treacher Collins, a rare genetic condition. The face bones don’t grow properly as a result of this.

Isabella was born with several problems as a result, including hearing loss and a restricted airway. So started the difficult journey filled with operations and hurried hospital visits because of crises.

Bella had to go to several treatment sessions. This includes speech treatment, occupational therapy, and music lessons for her hearing impairments.

After two years, Isabella seemed to be continuing to develop strongly. However, because of her illness, this 2-year-old was now experiencing negative social reactions, with others viewing her only on the basis of how she seemed. But the mother said that all have unique characteristics, some of which are more obvious than others. If everybody in the world were the same, the world would not be as vibrant.

The mom hopes to keep teaching and bringing attention to the Treacher Collins condition. In general, Bahneman hopes to encourage others to show compassion to those with this illness. After all, this is the only thing everyone ought to do when they encounter somebody unusually attractive.

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