Man Gives Woman a Lift Home, Her Husband and Brothers Come To His House Days Later – Story of the Day

A kindly man sees a woman alone waiting at a bus stop and offers her a lift. He is shocked and frightened when her husband shows up at his door.

Lara Fairchild started running when she saw the bus turn the corner onto the street. The wind took her umbrella and tore it away, but Lara kept running. She ran as fast as she could through the pouring rain.

Just as she got to the bus stop, the driver pulled away. Lara stood there, soaking, her heart pounding. She’d have to wait at least an hour for another bus. And that was when a miracle happened.

“Excuse me?” a voice said. Lara turned and saw that a man had pulled up to the bus stop and rolled down the passenger side window. “I see you’ve missed your bus. Would you like a lift?”

The man said gently, “I’m safe, you know. I have a daughter your age, and I’d hate to think of her waiting at a bus stop on a night like this.”

Kindness is always rewarded with kindness.
Lara looked into the man’s kindly eyes. Should she take a chance? Her mind screamed that she shouldn’t, but her intuition whispered that she should accept.

“What’s your name?” she asked.

“I’m Norm Harlow,” the man said.

Mr. Harlow,” Lara said. “I hope you won’t take this the wrong way, but could I see your driver’s license?”

“I think you are being very sensible!” Norm exclaimed and handed Lara his driver’s license. Lara quickly snapped a photo and sent it to her husband with a text: “Getting a lift from Mr. Norman Harlow, 64, from 34 Garrow Road.”

Then she opened the door and got into the car. “Good thinking,” Norm said cheerfully. “I hope my daughter is as sensible as you are! So, where do you live?”

Lara told Norm her address, then added, “My instincts tell me you’re a good man. But… better safe than sorry!”

“Exactly!” Norm said happily. “I always err on the side of caution myself. My wife is more of a go-getter, and she always criticizes me…”

Lara smiled. “The same with me and my husband,” she commiserated. “He takes risks, you know? Me, I’m timid.”

“I tell you…” Norm said with a sigh. “About ten years ago, my brother-in-law left his job to start his own business. He wanted me to partner up with him, but me…I tell you, just the idea of risking my family kept me up nights. I turned him down. The thing is, he is now a big success, made a lot of money, and my wife won’t let me forget it.”

“Do you regret it?” asked Lara.

“To be honest,” Norm said. “Not really. You see, my brother-in-law is a hard man. The things he’s done to get ahead wouldn’t sit well with me. It’s not who I am. There is just one thing I’m sorry about. I’m retiring next year, and I wanted to fix up my house real pretty for my wife. I don’t have the money to pay a contractor, and I don’t have the health to do it myself…”

The two chatted away happily like old friends, and before long, Norm was pulling into Lara’s driveway. “Take care now,” Norm said. “Stay safe!”

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