Farmer Spr ays Oscar-Winning Actress And Other Pro testors With Manure When They Refuse To Leave

The Oscar-winning actress Emma Thompson and her sister Sophie br0ke a c0urt inj unction in order to pro test frac king on a farmer’s land.

Thompson tresp assed on the farmer’s property and was given the sh ock of her life when the farmer approached her and spr ayed her and her sister with f0ul-smeIling ma nure.

According to a report published by the Daily Mail, Emma Thompson was working with her sister to film a parody of the popular show, “The Great British Bake Off,” for Greenpeace on the farmer’s land when the angry farmer came over with a truc kload of ma nure to use as am munition to stop the “woke” event from proce eding.

The farmer’s land was going to be used as a frac king site, which was why Thompson targeted it for her project.

She and others sn uck onto the farmer’s land and cli mbed over a gate in order to set up a spot for them to film their “Frack Free Bake Off” sp0of. Thompson wanted her film project to “show the government that we will not allow frac king to our countryside and fuel yet more climate change.”

However, the farmer did not want the protes.tors on his land at all.

When he noticed them on his property, he jumped into his tractor and hur ried over to where they were gat.hered. He yeIled at them to leave his property and began cir cling the pro.testors with his tractor.

Then, he came up with a plan that has since gone viral across the internet – he began spr aying the prot.estors led by Thompson with man ure that otherwise would have gone to help fert ilize plants on his land.

Video footage from the inci dent has spr ead far and wide across the internet. In the footage, the prot.estors can be heard screa.ming and begging the farmer to stop spra ying them with man ure.

However, the man ign0res their cr ies and continues to spr ay them with the stlnky subst ance.

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