Chuck Norris Joins Roseanne’s Morning Show Panel: “I’ve Always Wanted to Work With Her”

Chuck Norris is looking forward to his new gig. Just yesterday, he happily informed Roseanne Barr that he would love to take a shot at being one of the hosts of her “The View” styled morning show, which will be on the air next fall.

“I’ve always wanted to work with her,” said Norris in an exclusive interview with ALLOD correspondent Skip Tetheludah, “she’s just about the smartest, funniest woman in Hollywood.”

Norris joins the show as far more than just another conservative talking head. “He plans to do segments on self-defense as well as a bi-weekly cooking round with Gordon Ramsay.,” said producer Joe Barron, “and then on Thursdays the final five minutes after the banjo lesson will be bible reading that captures the energy of the day’s news.”

There are still three spots open, but one may or may not have been filled by Dennis Miller. Tomi Lahren and Candace Owens are both on the list for the other female panelist, and nobody knows which liberal talking head will be appointed to spew the Left’s nonsense whenever possible.

There’s a rumor that Sarah Gilbert was planning to take the spot, but that the tension between her and the star of the show over “The Conners” was too much. They may end up with Alyssa Milano. Wouldn’t that be something? God Bless America.

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