A plumber fixed the boiler of a 91-year-old terminally ill woman and billed her $0

A plumber is currently going viral for his beautiful mission: helping the elderly and vulnerable by fixing their plumbing free of charge.

While every person in a community could use a little help from neighbors and friends, we all know that those who need it the most are the elderly and people with disabilities.

In fear of being viewed as a burden, these people seldom ask for help even if they need it.

A plumber is currently going viral for his beautiful mission: helping the elderly and vulnerable by fixing their plumbing free of charge.

While every person in a community could use a little help from neighbors and friends, we all know that those who need it the most are the elderly and people with disabilities.

In fear of being viewed as a burden, these people seldom ask for help even if they need it.

“We need to be a human race, to look out for each other.”
Though he had gained internet stardom because of his kind act, James refuses to take all the credit, saying that his actions are “a community effort”. Others may wonder what the plumber gets from all these selfless deeds and put simply, James says it makes him feel good inside.

“It makes me feel human, humble and a little giddy inside… I want to expand this service across the country. I will never give up the fight,” he said.

James hopes to expand the services they offer beyond Burnley, and the attention brought by the viral receipt could be of great help.

“I’ve got other plumbers… offering help. My hope is to get Depher national, in every city and town,” James said.

You may contribute to DEPHER’s crowdfunding HERE.

Share this story and help James get the word out about his altruistic mission!

Featured COMMENT regarding this story:

“Your story of James Anderson, the caring plumber who charged $0 for repairing an elderly lady’s boiler really was a pleasure to read. I am 63,also a plumber, semi-retired, and did either a large discount, or if the job took all of 10 minutes, no charge.

My boss never gave me a problem, and he, having an ailing parent, truly understood how much our clients appreciated it. So hands up to you, James, you are setting a great example for our fellow plumbers. Our job is extremely hard, and dangerous at times, giving our services to the elderly is something they truly appreciate.” — Bruce Drury

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