Navy Dad Comes Home To See His Newborn Son, Turns To His Wife, And Says Four Words No One Expected…

Navy Dad Comes Home To See His Newborn Son, Turns To His Wife, And Says Four Words No One Expected…

Every time a family member goes on a tour of duty, it’s hard on the whole family. When people in the military are sent overseas, they have to say goodbye to their loved ones, maybe for the last time. It’s hard to wrap your head around the fact that the family may never get back together again.


While they’re away on duty, they have to deal with life-or-death situations and fight and struggle to get back home to their families. And those who are left behind don’t have it much better. They have to deal with all of life’s problems on their own, without the help of a loved one nearby.

Modern technology like video calls has made it much easier for families to stay in touch with military members who are serving overseas, but it is still hard. And the same is true for US Navy Lieutenant Michael Lemmons.

While Lemmons was out of the country, his wife had their son. Lemmons was not alone, though. He was on a ship with 27 other people who all missed the birth of their babies. They couldn’t wait to get out so they could see their family again and meet the new baby.

In the touching video, you can see how happy Lemmons is to see his wife waiting for him on the dock. He runs over to meet her and his new baby as soon as he spots her in the crowd.

She was holding their new baby boy. He was small, cute, and very cool.

But Lemmons couldn’t keep his feelings in, so he blurted out, “He’s perfect. Thank you.”

He wanted to thank his wife for taking care of things at home while he was away and she was going through the hard work of giving birth. He knows that it’s hard to raise a family by yourself.

When she heard him say how thankful he was, her eyes filled with tears, and she began to cry. She didn’t want anything else but to be noticed. She knew that while her husband was in the military, she was doing a lot. But her part was also very important, even if it wasn’t as obvious to outsiders.

Lemmons and his wife held each other while their baby was in between them. Now that daddy was finally back from his time in the military, the family was back together and could work together to get closer again.

Lt. Lemmons can’t stay home for long, so he wants to spend as much time as he can with his wife and new baby son. Uncle Sam will soon need his help, and Lemmons wants to serve his country.

People like you wrote about Lt. Lemmons meeting his son on YouTube.

“My husband was on the US Bataan when it was sent out for ten and a half months. When they got home, there were about 150 new dads, and I think that doesn’t count the Marines.

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