Few people can’t find the bus among the cars

These days, technology controls our everyday lives to such a degree that we barely get to exercise our brains at all. A few moments of sharpening your intellect never hurts – that’s why I’ve been taking after my grandma who solves crosswords, puzzles and riddles for an hour every day.

Sure, I can’t devote as much time to it as her, but after just a few minutes of sitting down with a tricky mind teaser, I feel refreshed and more energized.

It might just be a placebo effect, who knows. But as long as it makes you feel good, then why not?
A type of challenge that I really like is trying to spot something that stands out in a picture. It can be everything from finding a certain letter to spotting which number is missing.

This morning, I came across a challenge that really tests you brain-eye coordination. I thought this one would be really easy – but looks can be deceiving!
Time limit: 10 seconds

The concept is very simple. Your mission is to look at this picture with dozens of cars. There’s a bus hiding somewhere among them – and it’s up to you to find it.
The thing is, you only have 10 seconds to do it – and not a second more! If you take your time, it gets too easy – and according to YouTube channel BrightSide, most people can’t do it within the time limit.

OK, here we go – can you spot the bus?

Did you manage within 10 seconds? If not, the solution is below!

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