Parents Furious Restaurant Put This Sign On The Door

Families, they consist of smaller kids and older ones usually. Families like to go out and eat at times, as a family. Which means the little kids might actually act like kids while they are out eating in a public place.

Little kids sometimes have a tendency to be a little messier and more rambunctious while waiting on everyone else to finish up eating.

Those are just things you expect when you go to a family-oriented restaurant. Even fast food restaurants are known for being more family oriented than others. However, you can imagine the shock of these families with small kids when they went to a particular Arby’s in Minnesota.

This particular Arby’s had a sign posted on the door for all to read and see before they entered the establishment. The sign stated “Only well-behaved children who can keep their food on their trays and their bottoms on their seats are welcome.

If you can’t do this, you will be asked to leave.” Imagine being the mother or father of a rowdy two or three-year-old that just wanted to grab a quick meal with kids in tow.

Imagine the shock that Arby’s, who is just another run of the mill sandwich shop and considered a fast food restaurant, had this sign posted for all to see and read before entering the door.

Any family oriented fast food joint that you go to you can expect chaos and kids running amuck. But this Arby’s was tired and fed up with it.

The choice that this restaurant made to place this sign on the door has made it an uncomfortable choice for dining out for many parents with small children. Can you imagine the feeling of sitting in Arby’s trying to finish your meal and hoping your child doesn’t drop his fry on the floor or want to get up out of his seat? it has definitely made for uncomfortable dining and definitely not a relaxing meal out with the family.

Many moms and parents are just outraged that the sign was put up in the first place and claim that this is not a white table cloth dining restaurant. This Arby’s is just the regular run of the mill fast food joint in Elk River Minnesota, and has decided to make families with younger children uncomfortable, or at least think twice about choosing this restaurant as their family dining spot.

The restaurant was boycotted for some time, but not everyone is always willing to boycott or can boycott when their dining choices in their city are limited to begin with. The sign on the door of the establishment was put on social media for all to see, far and wide.

People made comments about the sign on social media and while some agreed with Arby’s, others were outraged and could not believe that such a sign was ever placed on the establishment’s door. Kids will be kids, and some kids behave better than others.

Some kids are well behaved when taken out to eat and some are not.

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