Our bodies send signals about our health through various symptoms. Here are eight important bodily cues to be aware of:
- Yellowing Skin: Jaundice, a yellowing of the skin and eyes, can indicate liver disease due to high bilirubin levels.
- White Dots on Nails: Small white specks on your nails may suggest deficiencies in protein, calcium, or zinc.
- Lip Sores: Dehydration can cause lip blisters or cracks, and using the wrong lipstick may worsen the issue.
- Clubbed Fingernails: Clubbed nails may be linked to digestive problems and chronic lung disease, causing nails to grow and bend downward.
- Internal Mouth Ulcers: Stress, hormonal changes, or a lack of vitamin B-12 can lead to mouth ulcers.
- White Pimples on Eyelids: Dry skin or diabetes can result in white nodules, known as styes, on your eyelids.
- Grey/White Ring Around Cornea: An arcus senilis, or a grey/white ring around the cornea, may indicate high cholesterol levels.
- Excessively Red Tongue: A bright red tongue might signify infection, vitamin deficiency, or oral herpes.